mailscanner not always exiting

Mariano Absatz mailscanner at LISTS.COM.AR
Thu May 27 23:13:08 IST 2004


We're trying to autmatically handle a bunch of servers running MailScanner
and I noticed that, sometimes, when I issue a 'service MailScanner stop' even
when it returns OK, MailScanner doesn't stop.

That is, I know MailScanner takes a while (actually just a few seconds when
hardware is right) to stop ('cause it sends a SIGHUP to all its children and
waits for them), but sometimes it doesn't seem to either, receive its own
SIGTERM, or it doesn't send the SIGHUP to its children...

Anyone else noticed this?

FTR, it's 4.29.7 with ZMailer and SA 2.63 under Fedora Core-1.


Mariano Absatz
El Baby
I like children. If they're properly cooked.
      -- W.C. Fields

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