CPU loop in 4.30.3

David Lee t.d.lee at DURHAM.AC.UK
Wed May 26 17:23:15 IST 2004

On Wed, 26 May 2004, David Lee wrote:

> I'm happy to start debugging this problem myself.  But before I do...
> Are there any known issues of CPU-gobbling loops in MS 4.30.3 (Redhat-7.3,
> sendmail, SA-2.63, DCC)?  One of our systems (70K msgs per day) has
> suddenly developed such a process and I can see three older messages in
> MS's inbound queue (amongst the rapidly moving population of current
> emails in transit).  If I restart MailScanner, or if I kill the rogue
> process, another process then goes into a loop.
> So if there's a known CPU-loop issue, it would save me the "fun"
> (please) of having to try to debug it.

To begin to answer my own question: the rogue message contains an
"os.zip".  I wonder whether I'm seeing one of these fabled "zip of death"
things?  Might there be some simple config file option I've overlooked
or mis-set?


:  David Lee                                I.T. Service          :
:  Systems Programmer                       Computer Centre       :
:                                           University of Durham  :
:  http://www.dur.ac.uk/t.d.lee/            South Road            :
:                                           Durham                :
:  Phone: +44 191 334 2752                  U.K.                  :

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