MailScanner <defunct> ?

Peter Rabbitson rabbit at RABBIT.US
Wed May 19 19:25:32 IST 2004

Same problem on a completely different setup. Described in my message dated may 15th. No errors whatsoever in the
logs. Mail is being handled properly (I recieve hundreds order messages with sequence numbers in the subject so I know
mail is not being lost). Virus scanners work (both clamav and f-prot are used, and both respond properly to viruses).
E-mail content checks work properly. I do not use any spam control at this point (Spam Checks = no; Use SpamAssassin =
no) however I believe it will work fine as well. Nevertheless every child passing a message through itself will leave
a <defunct> zombie, which does not consume any CPU cycles and does not hold any open files. The zombie dies by itself
after 15minutes. They do not reproduce after each message e.g. - you always have a number of zombies equeal to the
number of children, no matter how much mail you process. The debug = yes option does not yield any additional
information either. If I disable the virus wrappers - e.g. leave the virus scanners = none leaving only filename
checks everything still stays the same. I am not very skilled in perl so I am clueless at this point.

The system is Debian 3.0/Unstable
MailScanner 4.30.3-1
Exim 3.36-9.1
Perl v5.8.4

On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 07:49:47PM +0100, Hongwei Li wrote:
> Hi,
> I installed clamav 0.70, spamassassin 2.63 and MailScanner-4.30.3-2 on
> RedHat Fedora Core 1 Linux system with sendmail 8.12.10-1.1.1.  The
> MailScanner was working after the installation (I enabled clamav and sa)
> last week -- I can see the added header lines from the received mails.
> However, since this week, it shows "defunct":
> # ps xa | grep Mail
>  3597 ?        S      0:00 /usr/bin/perl -
> I/usr/lib/MailScanner /usr/sbin/MailScanner /etc/MailScanner/
> nf
>  4515 ?        Z      0:00 [MailScanner <defunct>]
>  4516 ?        Z      0:00 [MailScanner <defunct>]
>  4517 ?        Z      0:00 [MailScanner <defunct>]
>  4518 ?        Z      0:00 [MailScanner <defunct>]
>  4521 ?        Z      0:00 [MailScanner <defunct>]
> I tried to comment out sa, clamav, etc. in MailScanner.conf and changed
> many other option in it, but still get the above output.  Can somebody
> help me to figure out why?
> I appreciate all the help!
> Hongwei Li
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