[Clamav-announce] announcing ClamAV 0.71 (fwd)

Mike Zanker mike-sender-1ed4e7 at zanker.org
Wed May 19 10:29:47 IST 2004

Has anybody tried this with MailScanner and clamavmodule?



---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Date: 19 May 2004 02:03 +0200
From: Luca Gibelli <luca at clamav.net>
To: clamav-announce at lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Clamav-announce] announcing ClamAV 0.71

Dead ClamAV users,

ClamAV 0.71 is ready for download. This release fixes all bugs found in
0.70 and introduces a few new features - the noteworthy changes include:

-) libclamav:
    + support nested OLE2 files
    + support Word6 macro code
    + ignore popular file types (media, graphics)
    + support compress.exe (SZDD) compression (test/test1.msc)
    + improve virus detection in e-mails

-) clamscan:
    + automatically decide (by comparing daily.cvd version numbers)
which       database directory (hardcoded or clamav.conf's one) to use
    + support compression ratio feature (--max-ratio)
    + allow regular expressions in --[in|ex]clude
    + do not overwrite old files in a quarantine directory but add a
      numerical extension to new files
    + respect --tempdir in libclamav
    + fix access problem when calling external unpackers in a superuser
mode     + fix file permission corruption with --deb in a superuser mode

-) clamd
    + support log facility specification in syslog's style (LogFacility)
    + new directive LeaveTemporaryFiles (Debug no longer leaves
temporary       files not removed)

-) clamav-milter:
    + include the virus name in the 550 rejection
    + support user defined template for virus notifications
(--template-file)     + sort quarantine messages by date
    + improve thread management
    + add X-Virus-Scanned and X-Infected-Received-From: headers
    + improve load balancing (when using remote servers with --server)
    + send 554 after DATA received, not 550
    + save PID (--pidfile)

-) documentation:
    + German clamdoc.pdf translation (Rupert Roesler-Schmidt and Karina
      Schwarz, uplink coherent solutions, http://www.uplink.at)
    + new Japanese documentation (Masaki Ogawa)

Thank you for your feedback and patches.

The ClamAV team (http://www.clamav.net/team.html)

Luca Gibelli (luca at clamav.net) - http://www.ClamAV.net - A GPL virus
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