Bayes autolearn issue after upgrade of SpamCopU RI

Desai, Jason jase at SENSIS.COM
Tue May 18 20:19:41 IST 2004

>From man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf  - the note after

           Note: SpamAssassin requires at least 3 points from the
           header, and 3 points from the body to auto-learn as
           spam.  Therefore, the minimum working value for this
           option is 6.

Also from the same man page, under bayes_auto_learn:

           Note that certain tests are ignored when determining
           whether a message should be trained upon:
            - auto-whitelist (AWL)
            - rules with tflags set to 'learn' (the Bayesian
            - rules with tflags set to 'userconf' (user
           white/black-listing rules, etc)

           Also note that auto-training occurs using scores from
           either scoreset 0 or 1, depending on what scoreset is
           used during message check.  It is likely that the mes-
           sage check and auto-train scores will be different.

So, there are several reason for your SA score to be high, but for the
message not to be auto learned.  This may be what is going on.


Joseph Burford wrote:
> Hi All,
> Today I upgraded SpamCopURI to version 0.16. Since then the bayes
> auto_learn_threshold_spam value has changed, and the value I have in
> spam.assassin.prefs doesn't appear to be what SpamAssassin is using.
> No matter how much I change it, it doesn't have any effect.
> Also I have found that now auto_learn_threshold_nonspam is a specific
> value, whereas before I had that disabled.
> I note that SpamCopURI upgrade modifies a few things in the
> SpamAssassin Perl modules. Just wondering if anyone else has
> experienced any problems like this.
> Everything else appears to be normal.
> System info:
> MailScanner 2.28.6
> SpamAssassin 2.63
> Redhat 9
> Regards,
> Joseph
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