Question Regarding CustomConfig PerDomain Behavior

Daniel Dorsey danield at INTERSOFTCORP.COM
Mon May 10 21:34:42 IST 2004


Please forgive my lack of PERL skills but I wanted to double-check
something before I implement it.

As I read the comments and from what I can glean from the
PERL the file called default will apply to *both*:

1) Every domain in the list
2) Domains without their own file in the directory

I ask this with the goal of only having per domain files for the domains
that request it and not having to maintain ones for those who don't. We
host mail for 41 domains right now and I just wanted to be sure that if
a domain doesn't have a file in the directory that a) they will use the
default and b) MailScanner won't blowup, sending me to an early grave.

Many thanks to Julian for his hard work on this great tool.

- Danny Dorsey

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