Software (fwd)

Don Newcomer newcomer at DICKINSON.EDU
Mon May 10 16:56:56 IST 2004

I had forwarded this message to the SA list but it seems more appropriate
to address this issue here.  I've had "" in my
spam.whitelist.rules file for some time now and, more frequently lately,
I'm getting spam e-mails with forged headers that are being whitelisted.
This one, for instance, has my address as the return path.  I thought that
maybe I could use the valid IP blocks for our site but that doesn't always
work either (our WebMail server and my UNIX box don't put the IP address in
the headers).  I could put a ruleset on "Spam Checks" but I don't think
that will make any difference either.  How can I prevent legitimate e-mail
from any of our local boxes from being labeled as spam?  On a related note,
if I do it with a whitelist, it doesn't appear that "Ignore Spam Whitelist
If Recipients Exceed" will handle a ruleset.  It's common for our students
to e-mail 30, 40, 50, or more people at once and this _should_ be
whitelisted.  *sigh*

Don Newcomer
Senior Manager, Systems
Infrastructure Systems Department
Library and Information Services
Dickinson College
P.O. Box 1773
Carlisle, PA  17013
717-245-1256 (Voice)
717-245-1690 (FAX)
newcomer at

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