BitDefender not logging "Updated"

Kyle Harris lists at TRCINTL.COM
Mon May 10 15:00:39 IST 2004

I have noticed that on one of my MailScanner machines (v 4.30.3) running
BitDefender, I never get an entry in the log file stating "BitDefender
updated" as I do with other virus scanners (or at least ClamAV and
eTrust).  At first I thought it just wasn't updating, but after having a
look at the signature files for BitDefender, it appears that it is
updating.  It's just not writing a line in the log file stating it was

I do, however get the line that says the auto-updater "Found bitdefender
installed" and the line that says "Running autoupdate for bitdefender".

Any ideas?

- Kyle H.

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