Postfix support / how stable?

Julian Field mailscanner at
Thu May 6 08:39:07 IST 2004

At 07:43 06/05/2004, you wrote:
>Hi guys,
>I need your experience on MailScanner and Postfix. Some of our customers
>think about switching over to Postfix due to Exim having problems with
>very (!) large mail volumes. They now think about using amavisd since
>MailScanner had problems with Postfix in the earlier versions. The postfix
>author claimed that MailScanner is not a good solution since it does not
>use the Postfix standard interfaces (or something like that). This seemed
>to have resulted in sporadic mail loss.
>Now my question: Is that still true?

No, and it never was a big problem.

>  What is your experience? How stable is MailScanner with postfix nowadays?

Perfectly stable. However, due to Postfix's design of having one file per
message instead of Exim's 2, MailScanner cannot run as fast on Postfix as
it has to do I/O on the entire message just to add a header. In
Exim/sendmail, the body of the message usually doesn't have to be written
at all, just linked into the outgoing queue, which makes it faster. In my
experience Exim can happily handle large volumes of mail, it's what I use
for all my capacity/speed tests.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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