tao Linux

Eric Dantan Rzewnicki rzewnickie at RFA.ORG
Wed May 5 21:48:01 IST 2004

On Fri, Apr 30, 2004 at 11:25:38AM -0500, Rob Poe wrote:
> If WhiteBox has achieved it's goal (and why not, it's OSS, right?) and
> is 100% binary compatible to RHEL - how can it NOT be mature?
> I'm struggling right now, as Im building a new master server and don't
> want to use an unsupported version of RedHat (and I'm holding out on
> suse 9 until 9.1 comes out and is easily grabbable .. the new box
> doesn't see the network card under Suse 9.0 (intel motherboard)).


Some Novell guys presented at the local LUG meeting a few weeks ago.
They brought along cd's of the iso's for 9.1 and said we could put them
up on tux.

-Eric Rz.

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