Blocking from my own forged domain

Richard Brown r.brown at LAWSON-HIS.CO.UK
Tue May 4 16:57:22 IST 2004

Stephe Campbell wrote:

> Mr. Brown,
> I guess that's what I was asking about. I have followed this list for
> quite some time, and every once in so often, I read conflicting answers.
> In this case, I had the impression that blocking by IP required the
> stuff, but after reviewing it, I see the IPBlock stuff is
> part of another set of functions (I don't do or read Perl very well, but
> am getting better since installing MS).
> Why not, then, replace with IPs in Is
> this the equivalent of what you are saying?
> Thanks very much.

Yes, essentially. The way my setup works is thus:

In MailScanner.conf I have

Spam Checks = /etc/MailScanner/rules/spam.check.rules

In spam.check.rules I have

From:           192.168.        no
FromOrTo:       default         yes

This prevents any spam checking on my local IP address range, which all my
users are on. If your IP address range is more complex you can use CIDR
notation, not sure if there's a faq on CIDR, but Ugo has written one here on this
subject in general that should help you.

The difference between "Spam Checks" and "Spam Whitelist" is that emails
that are whitelisted are still scanned, by MailScanner doing it's rbl
checks and by SpamAssassin, which can be quite time consuming.

I've not used the IPBlock myself, but I believe from the discussion when it
was first implemented it will create an access map for sendmail that blocks
persistent senders of spam/viruses from delivering the mail to sendmail. I
use similar functionality in mailstats/vispan to block broadband zombies.
If your MailScanner server is not the mx for your domain(s) you'd need to do
a bit of tweaking to get the access map installed on the right server.


Richard Brown
0870 99 070 52

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