OT Re: tao Linux

Ugo Bellavance ugob at CAMO-ROUTE.COM
Tue May 4 12:51:35 IST 2004

Michele Neylon :: Blacknight Solutions wrote:
> Peter
> Apologies if it seemed completely OT, but there was a very valid reason for
> bringing this up.
> As you know RH are no longer supporting RH9 and so the choice is to either
> switch distros entirely, move to RHE or look at alternatives.

Ther is another very good option.  The Fedora Legacy Project is taking
over the responsibility of updates for old RH versions, for about 1.5
years after EOL. http://fedoralegacy.org/

They're upgrading their servers right now, so they don't offer RH9
updates yet, but they will soon(according to a page that I can't find

There is also progeny, who offers similar support, but is is not free.

There might be some updates at Fedora Extras as well www.fedora.us

> A lot of people on this list use RH or a derivative thereof, which is why I
> asked here.
> Sorry if this bothered you :)
> Mr Michele Neylon
> Blacknight Internet Solutions Ltd
> http://www.blacknight.ie/
> Tel. +353 59 9137101

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