Mail Scanner and Spam Assassin report generation

Gib Gilbertson Jr. gib at TMISNET.COM
Sat Mar 27 13:33:26 GMT 2004

At 12:00 PM 3/27/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>At 22:40 26/03/2004, you wrote:
>>  At 12:52 PM 3/26/2004 -0600, you wrote:
>>>Thanks for the suggestion.  I don't know if I can risk making that large
>>>of a change on this box though.  It processes around 110,000 messages a
>>>day currently and they would kill me if there was any issues where it
>>>effected their current mail flow reliability.  And mixing up mail
>>>processing to achive that at the moment wories me.
>>>All I need to do is pass the report argument that Spam Assassin gives when
>>>it runs into the forwarded message.
>>>Another reason ws need the failure report in the body of the message is
>>>because outlook here does NOT forward message headers when you forward the
>>>message.  So if a users gets a message that failed the Spam Assassin
>>>rules, they can't forward the message to a help desk.  Since all the
>>>usefull headers are gone then.
>>I tend to agree it would be nice to have the option to put the spam
>>assassin report in the body of the message. I have lots of accounts using
>>Outlook or Outlook Express and explaining how to get the headers for a
>>message can be a real pain with some of them. For analytical purposes it
>>would be nice to have the report in the body of the message, or added to
>>the subject line of any mail that is tagged as spam?
>This would seriously affect performance, as more IO would need to be done
>on every message.
What about the option to add it to the subject line in addition to the tag
that is now added to the subject line?

>Julian Field
>Professional Support Services at
>MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
>PGP footprint: EE81 D763 3DB0 0BFD E1DC 7222 11F6 5947 1415 B654

      Gib Gilbertson Jr.
     Tierramiga Info Systems
      619-287-8647 Support
      San Diego's "Friendly ISP"

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