New MailScanner installation problems

Pete pete at
Sat Mar 27 04:46:14 GMT 2004

Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:

>>#1 - spam messages are disappearing.  I have the rule for spam and
>>high-score spam set to forward the mail to spam inbox, then delete the
>>message.  The messages aren't always being delivered to the original address
>>or the spam address.  I've gotten about 20 emails in the spam mailbox, but I
>>would usually see hundreds in this ammount of time.
>ONLY use forward in that case.
Exactly! dont use delete until you're an expect - most of us use store
and there is a script floating around here that is crond to remove all
the messages stored that are xx days old+ - MUCH safer. for the first 6
months i also forwared all spam to a spam account on our mail
server...just to be sure i didnt lose anything.

Some one, wiser than me, on this list has said "stopping spam is EASY,
its letting through all the legit mail that is the tricky part"

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