Slient Virus

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Fri Mar 26 18:02:51 GMT 2004

Chris Conn wrote:
> I myself am looking for understanding of how this Silent vs Non-Forging
> viruses works and I am not seeing the behaviour I wish.
> To be clear, I want to warn nobody about anything, except for Klez and
> passworded Zips.  Here is my current configuration:
> Deliver Disinfected Files = no
> Silent Viruses = HTML-IFrame HTML-Codebase HTML-Form All-Viruses
> Still Deliver Silent Viruses = no
> Non-Forging Viruses = Klez/ Zip-Password
> Allow Password-Protected Archives = no
> [snipped the bits I'm not sure about!]
> Nobody sending Klez mails are warned they have Klez on their computer.
> My question is; how do I configure MailScanner to warn a sender he has
> Klez, warn a sender and a receiver that the zip-protected mails were
> blocked, and not warn the receiver that we blocked a zipped-Bagle that
> he did not expect to receive anyway?  What am I interpreting wrong in
> the way to configure this?

You can't warn Klez senders because if forges the address.



Martin Sapsed
Information Services               "Who do you say I am?"
University of Wales, Bangor             Jesus of Nazareth

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