Quarantine only non viruses

Eric Dantan Rzewnicki rzewnickie at RFA.ORG
Thu Mar 25 22:43:43 GMT 2004

I have:
Quarantine Infections = %rules-dir%/infections.quarantine.rules

# infections.quarantine.rules
Virus:  mydoom          no
Virus:  netsky          no
Virus:  default         yes

A while ago I asked about how to only quarantine non-viruses and Julian
suggested this:

Virus:  /./     no
Virus:  default yes


I tried that today, but it also turns off quarantining files blocked
only by filename rules. Since I sometimes might need to release such
messages to users I'm trying to come up with some way around this.

I want to only quarantine stuff that hits the filename checks or the
HTML checks (or other non-virus checks I haven't thought of). This would
save disk space. I never need to send on a mail containing a virus. It
would also protect against accidentally postdrop'ing a virus when trying
to release an HTML newsletter or some such mail to a user.

Thanks in advance for any ideas.

-Eric Rz.

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