MIME::Parser BSD tmpfile error

Pete pete at eatathome.com.au
Thu Mar 25 00:02:06 GMT 2004


I see the above fix from Julian regarding the FreeBSD  error
Mar 25 10:07:49 freebsd MailScanner[14824]: Notices: Warned about 4
Mar 25 10:07:49 freebsd MailScanner[14824]: New Batch: Scanning 3
messages, 4136 bytes
Mar 25 10:07:50 freebsd MailScanner[14824]: Cannot parse
/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/14824/670332764.header and ,
MIME::Parser: can't open tmpfile: Invalid argument
Mar 25 10:07:50 freebsd MailScanner[14824]: Cannot parse
/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/14824/74478277C.header and ,
MIME::Parser: can't open tmpfile: Invalid argument
Mar 25 10:07:50 freebsd MailScanner[14824]: Cannot parse
/var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/14824/54D32219F.header and ,
MIME::Parser: can't open tmpfile: Invalid argument
Mar 25 10:07:51 freebsd MailScanner[14824]: Virus and Content Scanning:

This is a fresh FreeBSd installation with 4.29.5 - the port.

Only other thing i have installed so far is Postfiux 2.019 - i havent
attempted to upgraded perl yet, 5.6.1 (anyone got a quick tip for me here?)

Do i need to apply a patch to fix this error still?


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