Question about {SPAM?}

Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Wed Mar 24 17:24:54 GMT 2004

John Co wrote:
> I have running Sendmail with Mailmail, Spamassassin, and
> Sophos for awhile now.  Everything work prefectly, until 2
> weeks ago.  My users started getting {SPAM?} added on the
> subject line.  Now, every email going out or coming in the
> server are being tagged with {SPAM?} on the subject line.
> Can someone tell me what is going on?  I'm kinda new to this
> area.....Thanks....John 

You're probably still using the defunct infinate-monkeys RBL.  See the extensive discussion on the list last week.

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