OT (a bit) MailWatch

Gareth Campling gareth at GRIFFIN.COM
Wed Mar 24 14:24:41 GMT 2004

I am new to Mailwatch just been having a play and have it all setup now,
but in MailScanner 4.29.5 its not logging to the database, and seems to
be spawning loads
and loads of processes, that all just loop with this
Mar 24 13:48:52 julia MailScanner[1945]: MailScanner E-Mail Virus
Scanner version 4.29.5 starting...
Mar 24 13:48:52 julia MailScanner[1945]: Using custom code file
Mar 24 13:48:52 julia MailScanner[1945]: Using custom code file
Mar 24 13:48:52 julia MailScanner[1945]: Config: calling custom init
function MailWatchLogging
from reading the readme file its missing
MailScanner[26388]: Initialising database connection
MailScanner[26388]: Finished initialising database connection

So it means mail is not being delivered, if anyone has any ideas, on
what to look for 
as there does'nt seem to be any reason for this, and the no real errors

Gareth Campling 
Network Operations Engineer 
Griffin Internet 

Tel : 0870 000 7063 
Fax : 0870 000 7101 

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