McAfee autoupdate & wrapper

Rabellino Sergio rabellino at DI.UNITO.IT
Wed Mar 24 11:33:08 GMT 2004

Randal, Phil wrote:
> I really don't like your approach of completely restructuring the mcAfee
> uvscan intall directories.  That is such a bad idea, and means things will
> break next time we run the uvscan install script when the product is
> updated.
> Cheers,
> Phil
> ---------------------------------------------
> Phil Randal
> Network Engineer
> Herefordshire Council
> Hereford, UK
Yes, I can understand your doubt, but you don't like that, you can put your flat installation into the $PREFIX/bin
directory as usual, then
the scripts create the datfiles (as the old script do) and the dat link to the current dat files, transparently.
In the virus.scanners.conf you must insert $PREFIX as third parameters for the mcafee config line.

So you don't need my "suggested" structured manual installation to use these scripts, it's only a suggestion.

Dott. Sergio Rabellino

  Technical Staff
  Department of Computer Science
  University of Torino (Italy)
Tel. +39-0116706701
Fax. +39-011751603

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