MailScanner taking tons of cpu/mem and halting my server

Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Tue Mar 23 16:35:02 GMT 2004

Jody Cleveland wrote:
> We'd normally get about 1000 a day. But, since this happened, we reset
> the mx record to point directly to the exchange server. So, right now
> the load is 0. 
Make sure there aren't any autoupdate processes stuck, that can cause a complete stop.  Worth making sure you are running the latest version of the wrapper scripts as these mostly have timeouts built in to stop this problem.
You also need to drop your batch size to probably around 20 or even 10, trying to process 500 messages at once (5 children * 100 batch) is probably going to really make your server sweat.

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