Rules from database & rules.rules

Robin, Rob rrobin at GREENAPPLE.COM
Mon Mar 22 19:54:57 GMT 2004

Hello all,
        Some unanswered questions. Thanks all.

1)      Currently, all the rules are put into flat files.
                From:*               bounce

        Does MailScanner support any ways to put these rules into some kind of database (berkeley db, ldap, mysql) ??

        When using flat files, does the Mail Scanner read all the contents of the rules and put it in memory at the start-up time (and put it on to a search tree?? ) ?? OR for every message it scans, it will read only the needed files ??

2)      From the website (, you can create filename-based filtering rules.rules. Does it apply to 'Filename Rules' ?? Can we use it to use it on any kind of rules choice ??

Rob Robin 
Network Analyst
Green Apple, Inc.
rrobin at
Internet access, hosting and development solutions since 1995.

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