any MailScanner RSS feeds for announcements and such?

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Mar 22 17:56:15 GMT 2004

At 17:15 22/03/2004, you wrote:
> >> I have just rediscovered RSS feeds and how useful they can be
> >> when coupled with the right software.
> >>
> >> Are there any RSS feeds for MailScanner, and if not, will there be?
> >> Sometimes I miss announcements on the list because they're
> >> buried in 200 messages.
> >
> > There is now a Moderated Announcements list.  It should help you :)
>That's certainly an improvement, but I agree that an RSS feed would be
>immensely useful. Any chance that might happen in the near future?

Teach me how to set one up. It would probably be fed from the announcements
list as I don't generate all the announcements myself, other people
announce stuff there too.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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