MS and Sophos

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Mon Mar 22 14:21:16 GMT 2004

MW Mike Weiner (5028) wrote:
> On Behalf Of Martin Sapsed
> Any indication in the mail logs that Sophos is doing anything?
> Well, that's the problem, I see the standarad MS logging information that
> Virus checking is starting, and when I go into MailWatch, I can see that the
> ide's are loaded and MS "sees" the fact that I have it configured to use it.
> I also jhave clamav as well, and I see the same behavior...whenever I send a
> test virus to the system, it fails to catch it, log it, or do anything at
> all.

If you do

/path/to/MailScanner/lib/sophos-wrapper /usr/local/Sophos somefile

does sweep load and run and check the file or not?

Did you say you were using sophos or sophossavi?

What version of MailScanner/Sophos?



Martin Sapsed
Information Services               "Who do you say I am?"
University of Wales, Bangor             Jesus of Nazareth

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