Modification of Subject line on SPAM? messages....
Peter Peters
P.G.M.Peters at
Mon Mar 22 14:50:36 GMT 2004
On Mon, 22 Mar 2004 09:17:12 -0500, you wrote:
>Would it be possible to put the IP address of the sender in the subject
>line so that a sys admin could quickly scan and see where a virus
>outbreak was starting from ??
>For example:
> Subject: {SPAM?} (ip: 63.245.865.400) Open me now...
Do you put SPAM in the subject when it's a virus?
I check my logs regularly for lines like:
|Mar 22 00:15:44 netlx010 MailScanner[21590]: Infected message i2LNFMx23303 came from 63.245.865.400
That's easier then going through al mailboxes on your site.
Peter Peters, senior netwerkbeheerder
Dienst Informatietechnologie, Bibliotheek en Educatie (ITBE)
Universiteit Twente, Postbus 217, 7500 AE Enschede
telefoon: 053 - 489 2301, fax: 053 - 489 2383,
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