MailScanner-Announce mailing list

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Mar 19 19:36:20 GMT 2004

Hi all!

I have just set up an announcements list for MailScanner, to which you have
been subscribed as you are already a member of the main MailScanner mailing

If you were subscribed with the "Conceal" option set, you are also
subscribed to the new list with this setting.

If you don't want to be subscribed to this new list, please unsubscribe
following the instructions at But please bear in mind
that in future announcements of new versions of MailScanner and the
associated projects (MailWatch, MailScanner-MRTG, etc.) will only be made
to the announcements list. The main list will be used for discussion and
not announcements.

Thankyou for your interest in MailScanner, and please spread the word! :-)

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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