Announcements-only list

Erik Jakobsen eja at URBAKKEN.DK
Fri Mar 19 17:42:16 GMT 2004

Julian Field wrote:
> I have just set up a moderated "announcements only" list.
> Would you all like to be subscribed to it, or shall I leave you to do it on
> your own?
> If I don't do it for you, then no-one who doesn't actively follow the list
> will find out about it :-(
> And they are just the people who probably most want it.
> If I subscribe you all, I will maintain the "Conceal" status for those of
> you are concealed list members.
> Any strong objections?
> --
> Julian Field
> MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
> PGP footprint: EE81 D763 3DB0 0BFD E1DC 7222 11F6 5947 1415 B654
I vote for the "subscribe you all". Thanks !

Med venlig hilsen - Best regards
Erik Jakobsen - eja at

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