Will MailScanner pickup the W32/Bagle-Q virus? Changed Rule!

Holger Gebhard gebhard at EPOST.DE
Fri Mar 19 11:30:18 GMT 2004

Hi Martin,

there is no whitespace in the rule (The Webinterface break the line)
The "\S" matches any non-whitespace character (predefined sets of

On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 10:30:01 +0000, Martin Sapsed <m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK>

>Holger Gebhard wrote:
>> Yes...
>> The first two lines of this rule supposed to be on the same line
>Sorry to go on about this!
>was the e-mail broken before data because there's a space in the rule or
>did the e-mail break there because of the punctuation?
>I.e. is it ....none.{1,5}data\=.http....
>or         ....none.{1,5} data\=.http....
>Just curious as to what the \S before display matches too? (showing my
>ignorance here...)
>Martin Sapsed
>Information Services               "Who do you say I am?"
>University of Wales, Bangor             Jesus of Nazareth

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