Where did all the root@localhost go to?

Alan mailscanner at ELKNET.NET
Fri Mar 19 10:20:33 GMT 2004

For months, mailstats has shown my daily 10 minute averaged message load
that it sees in maillog to be around 1700 emails. During this timeframe, I
have been running MS 4.25-14. Today I installed MS 4.29-3, and from that
point on mailstats has been showing a 10 minute average of around 1000
emails. Thats a big drop in messages being seen...

In my investigations, I discovered that that prior to MS 4.29-3, my maillog
recorded around 700 sendmail lines with a 'relay=root at localhost' per 10
minute period. Now that MS 4.29-3 is installed I'm only seeing 2 or 3 of
these lines per 10 minute period.

Any idea what has happened?


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