Scoring for Bayes

Richard Lynch rich at MAIL.WVNET.EDU
Fri Mar 19 01:12:51 GMT 2004

Michael St. Laurent wrote:

>Richard Lynch <mailto:rich at MAIL.WVNET.EDU> wrote:
>>Changed as suggested by someone (sorry I don't recall who) on this
>>discussion list to ...
>>score BAYES_70 0 0 4.000 3.500
>>score BAYES_80 0 0 4.500 4.000
>>score BAYES_90 0 0 4.900 4.200
>You put them into which file?  /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf?
>or into one of the /etc/mail/spamassassin/*.cf files?
>Michael St. Laurent
>Hartwell Corporation
I put them in /etc/MailScanner/spam.assassin.prefs.conf but have
considered moving them.  Either will work.


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