Infinite Monkeys and other BLs

Richard Lynch rich at MAIL.WVNET.EDU
Thu Mar 18 23:52:52 GMT 2004

Chris W. Parker wrote:

>Richard Lynch <mailto:rich at MAIL.WVNET.EDU>
>    on Wednesday, March 17, 2004 4:08 PM said:
>>What I want is
>>accurate denial of messages based solely on content rather than where
>>it comes from. Unfortunately, we're not there yet.
>what about bayesian filtering?
>i've got ms doing basic sa, and attachment type based filtering. this
>lets through more spam than i'd like but [1] i'm using an old version of
>ms and sa, and [2] i don't use any advanced features (bayesian, rbl,
>pyzor/razor, etc.). however, i've got a bayesian filter for outlook 2000
>installed and it catches everything else.
>i've never had a false negative* so i imagine that if i put bayesian at
>the gateway my spam count would go way down at the client level if not
I do use the Bayesian filtering in Spamassassin at the MS gateway and it
works reasonably well.  But, it's not so good that I can give up using
RBLs.  Filtering at the end user level certainly works better but that's
not practical for 60,000+ distributed users.  I'm stuck with a
multi-pronged approach for now (RBLs, Spamassassin, Bays, DCC, and
custom rules).

>* i always get confused on this but.. false negative is when spam is not
>detected as being spam right? and a false positive is when non-spam *is*
>detected as spam?


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