Will MailScanner pickup the W32/Bagle-Q virus?

Jason Williams jwilliams at COURTESYMORTGAGE.COM
Thu Mar 18 23:01:07 GMT 2004

>Holger Gebhard wrote:
>>rawbody  BagleQ_Found /(?:\<object\s{1,3}style\=\Sdisplay\:none.{1,5}
>>describe BagleQ_Found Worm Bagle-Q found
>>score    BagleQ_Found 10.0
>Thank you, I will try it tomorrow when I'm back at work.

If I can ask one stupid question here, then i'll be done for the day.

For these rules, where would one put them in? spam.assassin.prefs.conf ?

I was lurking around the SA web site and found this link:


Since MS calls SA differently, just wanted to clarify where you would put
custom sets.

Thanks (and im done for the day :/ )



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