No Bayesian score

Robert Waldner waldner at WALDNER.PRIV.AT
Thu Mar 18 07:22:39 GMT 2004

On Thu, 18 Mar 2004 12:45:36 +1000, "Gib Gilbertson Jr." writes:
>>Look at the "bayes_path" setting in spam.assassin.prefs.conf.
>>Also, `sa-learn -p spam.assassin.prefs.conf --dump magic` vs.
>>  `sa-learn --dump magic` might give a hint.

>Shouldn't one use the -C option instead of the -p ?

From sa-learn(1):
       -C path, --configpath=path, --config-file=path
           Use the specified path for locating the distributed
           configuration files.  Ignore the default directories
           (usually "/usr/share/spamassassin" or similar).

       -p prefs, --prefspath=prefs, --prefs-file=prefs
           Read user score preferences from prefs (usually

            =item B<-D>, B<--debug-level>

           Produce diagnostic output.

I don't think so, but correct me if I'm wrong.

I read "standard configuration dir" as "where to find site-wide 
 standard config files" like custom tests etc. This isn't the scope of 
 spam.assassin.prefs.conf, is it?

-- <...> Violent Non-Smokers, who _make_
-- smoking bad for your health.
--                  Jan Ingvoldstad, OOC

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