eTrust Antivirus on Fedora

Tony Johansson tony.johansson at SVENSKAKYRKAN.SE
Tue Mar 16 22:39:55 GMT 2004

If anyone has made this work on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0, I'd be very
interested to know how

Regards, Tony

On Mon, 15 Mar 2004 19:16:49 +0100, Peter Bonivart <peter at UCGBOOK.COM>
>Kyle Harris wrote:
>> Thanks to the suggestion from Peter Bonivart (and no thanks to CA tech
>> support) I was able to get eTrust AV 7.0 working on Fedora Core 1.  I had
>> to make two changes.  First in /usr/lib/MailScanner/etrust-wrapper I had
>> add the following line:  export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 .  After that
>> change, eTrust started working in MailScanner.  To get the signature
>> script to work, I also had to put the same line
>> in /etc/cron.hourly/update_virus_scanners .  I'm not sure if this is the
>> proper place for this, but it seemed to do the trick for me.  It should
>> probably also be noted that when you do this, you still can not run
>> inocmd32 from the command line without typing in this same command (or
>> could always do this in your bash profile).
>Cool, glad to be of help. I checked the server today and I had actually
>renamed the inocmd32 to inocmd32.bin and replaced it with this wrapper:
>export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5
>/opt/eTrustAntivirus/ino/bin/inocmd32.bin $*
>I had also added the export and unset to scripts/InoStart and
>scripts/ That makes them work independant of MS and thus
>survive an update of MS. This was just trial and error, no help from CA
>of course, so I don't know if it's the optimal solution but it works for
>me. Both the engine and signatures update nicely.
>> Julian,
>> Do you think it would be a good idea to either have this added in the
>> update (at least until eTrust updates their software) or put this in the
>> FAQ somewhere?  I'm sure others running eTrust 7.0 will run into this
>> problem on versions of RedHat newer than 8.0 or Fedora.
>I think it's wrong for Julian to fix problems for CA. His wrapper should
>work for what CA supports (RH8) so there's nothing for him to fix. I
>will wait for others to post their opinion and then post in the FAQ if
>no one objects.
>/Peter Bonivart
>--Unix lovers do it in the Sun
>Sun Fire V210, Solaris 9, Sendmail 8.12.10, MailScanner 4.25-14,
>SpamAssassin 2.63 + DCC 1.2.30, ClamAV 0.67 + GMP 4.1.2, MailStats 0.25

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