All of a sudden F-Secure decides to stop updating on the hour

Nathan Johanson nathan at TCPNETWORKS.NET
Tue Mar 16 18:52:37 GMT 2004

A long shot, but I had a similar problem with eTrust on a RHEL 2.1
server. Apparently, after a up2date session, I obtained and installed a
new version of wget that defaulted to "passive ftp" for some crazy
reason. This broke the eTrust update process as well as many other
scripts that relied on wget. My solution was to edit /etc/wgetrc and
uncomment the "passive_ftp =  off" option (in other words, turn it off).

Also, running wget from the command line to download the appropriate
signature might give you a clue. This is how I stumbled upon the fix
referenced above.
If you're running RedHat , you might give this a try.


        From: Michael Freeman [mailto:admin at] 
        Sent: Monday, March 15, 2004 10:08 PM
        Subject: All of a sudden F-Secure decides to stop updating on
the hour
        Not sure why this is happening. We have been running the latest
version of MailScanner + F-Secure 4.5+ for over a week. All of a sudden,
on two servers, f-secure is no longer updating the virus signatures on
the hour. The latest update was on the 11th. It was working till then.
When I try to run the cron.hourly script it just hangs and does nothing.
I disabled my firewall and the same thing. Only one box is up-to-date
the other two stopped updating on the 11th. Please tell us why? Should
we use the cron supplied by F-Secure instead? 

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