100% processor utilisation

M. Schievink schievink at AKYLA.NL
Wed Mar 17 16:06:53 GMT 2004


We've just installed MailScanner 4.28.6-1.

We are using:

*       RedHat 7.3 with a 2.4.18 kernel
*       Perl version 5.6.1
*       No spamassassin
*       Installed from a tar

The problem that we have is the following, the MailScanner process takes
almost 100% cpu utilisation.

      15   0 12688  12M  7792 R    97.7  4.9  23:45 MailScanner

Is this a well known problem and do you have any idea how to solve this

With regards,

Martin Schievink

Akyla Websolutions
Hengelosestraat 705
7521 PA Enschede
Telefoon: 053-4836386
Fax: 053-4836396

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