Running Multiple Virus Scanners

David While David.While at UCE.AC.UK
Mon Mar 15 14:51:24 GMT 2004

Yes - you are less likely to miss the odd virus with multiple scanners. For example if you look at my stats at you will see that ClamAV has detected one more virus than F-Prot over the same period of time.
David While
Technical Development Manager
Faculty of Computing, Information & English
University of Central England
Tel: 0121 331 6211

-----Original Message-----
From: MailScanner mailing list [mailto:MAILSCANNER at JISCMAIL.AC.UK]On
Behalf Of Ron Hahn (Senior Analyst)
Sent: 15 March 2004 14:55
Subject: Running Multiple Virus Scanners


I've noticed in some of the threads here that some are running multiple
virus scanners;  For the newbie, is there a particularly good reason for

I have f-prot running at the moment now on a Cobalt RAQ4;  Would I benefit
from adding clam (or any other for that matter)?  Obviously there is a
processing penalty for adding subsequent virus scanners but is there an up



Ron Hahn, Senior Analyst
Management Services Department
Southern Health Board
Aras Slainte, Ground Floor
Dennehy's Cross,
Cork, Ireland
Tel. +353 (0)21-492-3669

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