MailScanner logs not rotating

Edward L. Hannaford elhannaford at PSFINC.COM
Fri Mar 12 20:30:27 GMT 2004

On Fri, 12 Mar 2004 15:09:58 -0500, Denis Beauchemin
<Denis.Beauchemin at USHERBROOKE.CA> wrote:

>Edward, I believe you should prefix your log paths with "-" to lessen
>the burden of writing to your disks.

That makes sense, and it may even fix the problem.  I've configured
MailScanner with "Log Spam = yes" for more verbose logging and I suppose
that may be part of why the log entries continue into the old file.  The
dash, since it allows syslog to "omit syncing the file after every logging,"
(whatever that means, exactly) may allow syslog to more readily switch to
the new logfile.

>> logrotate.conf:
>> ...
>> # system-specific logs may be also be configured here.
>> /var/log/MailScanner/ms.log {
>>     daily
>>     rotate 14
>> }
>I also believe you should reload MS with:
>    postrotate
>        /sbin/service MailScanner reload 2> /dev/null || true
>    endscript

I might try this if other things don't work.  However, today, when the logs
were going to the wrong file, executing "service MailScanner restart" failed
to redirect the logs to the proper file, so I have doubts that
"/sbin/service MailScanner reload ..." would work either.

Thanks for the advice!


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