Mailscanner, ClamAV on FreeBSD question

Gib Gilbertson Jr. gib at TMISNET.COM
Fri Mar 12 03:25:12 GMT 2004

Hi Jason.

At 02:54 PM 3/11/2004 -0800, you wrote:
>Hello everyone.
>Just have a few questions regarding MS, ClamAV on FreeBSD 4.9 box.
>I downloaded the latest release of MS through the FreeBSD ports tree
>(4.28-5 I believe) well as installing ClamAV 0.67. I flipped through
>the documentation on setting up ClamAV to work with MS. Seems pretty
>straight forward, but Just want to clear up a few things.
>In mailscanner.conf, i specified clamav as the virus scanner. I then edited
>the virus.conf file to reflect the correct location of where clamav is
>located. Originally, it had the following:
>clamav          /usr/local/libexec/MailScanner/clamav-wrapper   /usr/local/
>I changed that to the following:
>clamav          /usr/local/libexec/MailScanner/clamav-wrapper
>Wasn't sure if that was correct or not. Thought i'd ask.
>You'll have to excuse my lack of knowledge here. Im getting my feet wet
>with both MS and ClamAV. After installing the clamav port, I have the
>option to setup a few additional things in my /etc/rc.conf. Specifcially:
>clamav-freshclam (which is for updating virus def's)
>Milter is obviously for sendmail, which is the MTA I am running by the way.
>I wasn't sure if I needed to have clamd or milter start up before MS, like
>on a reboot? Or does MS automatically call it when it needs to scan a email?
>I'm just trying to understand how to call clamav correctly for use with MS.
>I appreciat the help.
>Great product BTW. I'm really digging everything. Kudos to Mr. Field.

Your config looks correct to me. You don't need to worry about any milter
functions. MailScanner starts everything. There are 2 scripts in the
/etc/rc.d directory that will start/stop/restart sendmail and MS in the
future... and


      Gib Gilbertson Jr.
     Tierramiga Info Systems
      619-287-8647 Support
      San Diego's "Friendly ISP"

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