MS Blocked file wihtin a zip file.

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Thu Mar 11 09:34:18 GMT 2004

Yannick Cayer wrote:
>         I am currently running the latest version of MS
>         One of my users has sent a zip file containing a file called
>         script.js and the system blocked it even though it was inside a
>         zip file.
>         I thought MS only blocked potentially dangerous files sent as-is
>         and not inside zip files..?
>         <UB>
>         It does in the latest version.  What version are you running?
>         Any clues why it's doing this and how I can change this behaviour?

 > The latest 4.28.6-1
 > How can I change this?

Actually there's a mistake in Julian's code (no - really!) and he posted
a patch on another thread which makes the configuration options work as
they're supposed to.



Martin Sapsed
Information Services               "Who do you say I am?"
University of Wales, Bangor             Jesus of Nazareth

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