Stopping Messages for one single website or one user

Julian Field mailscanner at
Wed Mar 10 11:21:17 GMT 2004

At 11:14 10/03/2004, you wrote:
> >>
> >>I could write the summary, I guess, with help from others for
> >the topics
> >>that don't arent'e relevant for me (like sophos).  I think we
> >could write
> >>the "subscription" or "web site" part by some discussion on
> >this list.  I
> >>don't know if the "subscription" e-mail is possible, though.
> >>
> >>It would be a lot easier on us and Julian to say to someone:
> >have you read
> >>the e-mail you received at subscription (or whatever
> >else)...?  Instead of
> >>taking time to answer him/her, when a basic question is asked.
> >>
> >>We'll see what Julian thinks of it tomorrow.  It is still
> >today, here, in
> >>Canada :).
> >
> >The "subscription" email sounds like a very good route. A
> >weekly summary
> >has got to be written by someone every week, and I can see
> >people getting
> >bored of doing that very quickly.
> >
> >Have just confirmed I can do the "subscription" email. Can
> >someone please
> >start an area on the FAQ which I can turn into an email once
> >it is finished?
>I'd like to do it.  I'd have it reviewed by the list.  I also think I can
>manage the weekly e-mail.  Should we give it a shot?


Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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