perl versions

Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Mar 9 11:13:25 GMT 2004

At 11:04 09/03/2004, you wrote:
>RedHat 7.0+MailScanner+F-prot+spamassassin
>In trying to upgrade to 4.28-4, requiring Archive::Zip, my perl 5.6.0 decided
>it needed perl 5.8.3 (from CPAN)
>Now, trying to install 4.28-4, the install script nicely informs me I have two
>perl installations, and to remove the one from /usr/local.
>What is the correct procedure to upgrade my perl (in /usr/bin) from 5.6.0 to
>5.8.3 ?

Don't let it upgrade your Perl.
Don't use CPAN to install Archive::Zip.
You should be trying to install MailScanner 4.28.6 and not 4.28.4. 4.28.4
has bugs which was why I replaced it with 4.28.5 and then 4.28.6.
Archive::Zip doesn't need the latest Perl, 5.6.0 will do fine. It's just
CPAN being fussy.


Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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