Feature Request?

Martin Sapsed m.sapsed at BANGOR.AC.UK
Mon Mar 8 09:42:34 GMT 2004

Julian Field wrote:
> At 09:02 08/03/2004, you wrote:
>> I am not quite sure if this is covered already or not.
>> Sometimes I see attachments which have not been marked by the Virus
>> Scanners because they are zero in size. This is not reflected in the
>> Report I get and usually I check the quarantine Dir to see if it is a
>> new virus variant the scanner are not catching yet.
>> Would it be possible to include something like
>> "Attachment is zero sized"
>> or something along those lines?
 > Anyone else need this too?

I guess it might save the odd support question/quarantine check but it's
not really any different to the discussion on  stopping broken
attachments is it?



Martin Sapsed
Information Services               "Who do you say I am?"
University of Wales, Bangor             Jesus of Nazareth

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