MCP and Spam actions

Julian Field mailscanner at
Sun Mar 7 17:35:36 GMT 2004

At 16:43 07/03/2004, you wrote:
>I've done a bit more investigation on this problem (with version 4.28.5-2)
>in debug mode and found this appears in the log when a message is *both*
>spam and MCP:
>Mar  7 16:15:17 mailscanner MailScanner[3722]: Spam Actions: message
>i27GF70K003708 actions are attachment

If you want it to deliver, you have to ask it to. Use "attachment deliver".

>Mar  7 16:15:17 mailscanner MailScanner[3722]: Created attachment dirs for
>0 messages
>It seems that the 'deliver' part of the action is missing.
>If I change spam.actions.rules to just
>FromOrTo:             default                 deliver
>I just see the following in the log:
>Mar  7 16:26:05 mailscanner MailScanner[4050]: Spam Actions: message
>i27GNwB2003994 actions are
>i.e. No actions at all. This is probably the reason messages go into a
>black hole. Any suggestions?

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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