Multiple scanner - why call more than one?

Julian Field mailscanner at
Sun Mar 7 11:36:36 GMT 2004

At 11:28 07/03/2004, you wrote:
>I was just wondering - with multiple virus scanners installed and used,
>what's the point in calling the second one once a file is already
>identified as a virus?

The virus scanning is done in batches, so many messages are scanned at once
when the system is under load. The speed difference between scanning, say,
20 and 21 message attachments is almost nil. So it would only make sense to
skip the 2nd scanner if every attachment in every message in the batch was
detected as a virus by the 1st scanner. Which is very unlikely.

So, in summary, it wouldn't make a noticeable difference to the speed.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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