Server Spec for MailScanner

Kevin Spicer kevins at BMRB.CO.UK
Sun Mar 7 11:19:31 GMT 2004

On Sat, 2004-03-06 at 22:54, Pete wrote:
> For 6k - 9k emails per day, running Clamav and etrust would something
> like a Proliant ML370 2 x P3 800/1GB RAM and scsi HDD running either
> suse or red hat 9 (my FreeBSd skills are not sufficient for this yet) be
> enough horsepower? Alternately our vendor has a single Ml310 P2.8 /1GB
> Ram and scsi. will mailScanner benefit more from dual CPU or faster CPU
> considering the load i described above? Or would I be better off spend
> more on RAM? 1 GB seems like plenty of RAM to me, but then again i
> havent processed 9k emails before, and some of you have, so hopefully
> some one could advised on which hardware will benefit MS more?
> Additionally we may have access to an additional scanner license - would
> i be better off running 3 x virus scanners, clam, etrust and
> sophos/f-prot, or just run 2, clam and sophos/f-prot, especially
> considering my hardware limitations?

In terms of scanners the more the merrier!

The machine you have specified above won't even break a sweat with this
kind of load, and would probably cope ok with double the load (thats
important since at the height of the recent MyDoom outbreak my mail load
nearly doubled - I imagine others had a similar experience)
For reference the 6k-9k load is pretty much what I do, my setup is as
        MailScanner (latest beta - haven't upgraded to latest stable yet) -
work directory in tmpfs, using both filename and filetype rules
        SpamAssassin (latest)
        Caching-Nameserver (just added)
        MailScanner-MRTG (guess that won't surprise anyone!)
        sendmail (using LDAP Routing feature [without LDAP!] to reject invalid
        3 Scanners , SophosSAVI, ClamAV, Symantec Carrierscan
        Compaq BL10e blade server  (800MHz processor, 1G ram, 40G mini IDE hard
drive, 100M ethernet [incoming over 2M E1]

This copes well (although at the height of the MyDoom outbreak it was
getting a little behind - since then I've added CarrierScan which would
make it worse and the LDAP routing which would have really helped by
getting rid of a lot of the invalid mail).

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