ANNOUNCE: Stable 4.28.5 released

Plant, Dean dean.plant at ROKE.CO.UK
Fri Mar 5 11:58:15 GMT 2004

John Wilcock wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Mar 2004 10:04:31 +0000, Julian Field wrote:
>> Note for people upgrading:
>> =====================
>> you will need to run the "./" script as 2 new Perl modules
>> need to be installed (Compress::Zlib and Archive::Zip for those
>> interested in such things).
> What's the best course of action if we've already installed these from
> CPAN (e.g. for 4.28.4)? Just let the do its stuff, or
> uninstall from CPAN first?
> John.

I had already installed the perl modules when upgrading to 4.28.4

./ with 4.28.5 worked fine for me.


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