Stupid answer from McAfee...

Matthew Day Matthew.Day at BUCKINGHAM.AC.UK
Thu Mar 4 10:24:13 GMT 2004

> In other words, they say it is a technical problem that
> prevents their command-line utility to detect
> password-protected zip files, but they also say that their
> small cleaning program (Stinger) and their email scanning
> software are able to detect them!

This ties in with what we're seeing;  GroupShield for Exchange spots the
virus but Virus Scan for Linux doesn't.

IMHO McAfee are shooting themselves in the foot here, they've just given us
another reason to switch when the license comes up for renewal.

As if the pop-up ads on their virus info pages weren't reason enough - when
you're in the midst of a virus outbreak you don't want to have to fight
through popups to get at the info you need.

Matthew Day
University of Buckingham

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