Bagle Zip format (from nanog)

Rob Charles rob at
Wed Mar 3 21:50:48 GMT 2004

So can someone help me out and show me how I would create this filter as to
catch a password encrypted zip file and not a regular zip file...

I am not to keen on filters...


Rob Charles
Montreal, Canada
Rob at

----- Original Message -----
From: "Darrell" <dz at SIAMESERESCUE.ORG>
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 4:27 PM
Subject: Bagle Zip format (from nanog)

> Just in case this isn't common knowledge already.
> Z
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-nanog at [mailto:owner-nanog at] On Behalf
> Of Jeffrey I. Schiller
> Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 4:13 PM
> To: Brian Wilson
> Cc: Dan Hollis; 'nanog at'
> Subject: Re: dealing with w32/bagle
> Turns out that the ZIP file format that all of these beasties are
> using is a little bit non-standard. Specifically they are all version
> 1.0 zip archives and the first (and only) component is not
> compressed.
> At MIT we are matching these two strings to recognize the infected ZIP
> files while letting most (actually I have seen no false positives) if
> not all "real" ZIP files. We are matching them anywhere within an
> attachment (well, within the first 16K). However you really only need
> to see if they are the beginning characters (this is a ZIP file
> header).
> What follows are the base64 encoded strings. I have put an asterisk
> between the first and second character, so my own filters won't reject
> this message, do remove that before using...
> U*EsDBAoAAAAAA   <= Matches unencrypted ZIP file
> U*EsDBAoAAQAAA   <= Matches encrypted version.
>                             -Jeff

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