Getting a *lot* of these

Michael St. Laurent mikes at HARTWELLCORP.COM
Wed Mar 3 20:03:23 GMT 2004

Julian Field <mailto:mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK> wrote:
>>> What about cleaning out your incomming queue :) Thats where it
>>> starts.
>> I *am* cleaning it out.  Each night I'm removing any file more than
>> one day old.  However, my log files are still getting bloated.
> How are these bad files being generated? I very rarely see this
> problem. I would definitely advise you to investigate the cause
> rather than just killing the symptom.


My /var/log/maillog file now has almost 8 million lines in it.  I don't have
the luxury of trying to find out what is generating the files under these
conditions.  I've commented out the line in that makes the log
entries for now.

Michael St. Laurent
Hartwell Corporation

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